Please nominate yourself or someone else to serve their homegroup - it's FUN and service is key to one's recovery!

As Bob D. says, "my problems die of neglect when I am in service to others..."

Just below is a Google Form link for all open service positions (Descriptions of each Service Position are at bottom of this post).   Both were provided to make it easy for all homegroup members of 562 to step into service or to nominate someone to be a trusted servant.

Elections will take place on Tuesday, December 26th at our last Business Meeting of 2023.  

Paper forms can be emailed to or dropped in the Nomination Box in our Meeting Room at 562.

Google Forms can be submitted by completing the form.

Come be a part of our 562 community through service....


Inter-Group Rep (IGR):

Alternate IGR:

1 year term.  Suggested: 1 year of recovery. 

Attend the Intergroup meeting once a month.  Coordinate outreach to jails, rehabs, hospitals and other institutions.  Communicate updates and notices to the webmaster and group.

 Alternate General Service Rep (GSR):

Revised to 1 year term (only for this 2024 election) to remain consistent with rotation schedule of GSR. 

Normally a 2 year term. Suggested: 1 year of recovery

G.S.R.s are the very foundation of our general service structure.  Serve as 562 rep at district and area assemblies.  Communicate updates and notices to the webmaster and group

 Literature Chair:

1 year term.  Maintain inventory of literature and coins.


1 year term.  

Attend and maintain the minutes of business meetings, produce flyers for events, maintain announcement binder.

Special Events Coordinator:

1 year term.  

Coordinate special events such as alcathons, annual picnic, social gatherings, speakers, and clinics.

Meeting Annual General Chairs: 

1 year term.  

There are annual general chairs for both in-person and online meetings.  It is recommended that the Annual Chairs should be a regular attendee of their assigned meetings.  Annual Chairs are responsible for finding the monthly chairs for their meetings.  Annual chairs should also communicate to their meeting groups any pertinent information or topics for group discussions or group conscious voting.  Annual Chairs for in-person meetings are also responsible for opening up and locking up the clubhouse (or assigning someone to do so in their stead).


562 Christmas Alcathon is almost here!